Dr. Anat Zeelim-Hovav is a Professor Emeritus in Management Information Systems at Korea University, a visiting scholar at Claremont Graduate University, and Chief Privacy officer at Vitrum, Inc. Her areas of expertise include cyber risk, organizational information security strategy, international aspects of cybersecurity management, and Futures research. Dr. Zeelim-Hovav has published over 80 refereed articles in renewed journals such as Information Systems Research (ISR), IEEE, Communications of the ACM, Journal of Business Ethics, Research Policy, Risk Management and Insurance Review, and Journal of Intellectual Capital. Dr. Zeelim-Hovav is also the winner of the 2013 Citation of Excellence Award. Dr. Zeelim-Hovav has engaged in a number of international cybersecurity management and risk workshops, panels and keynote addresses. Her global cybersecurity experience spans eight countries over three continents.