Mark Pruner serves as the chair to the Delta Protection Advisory Committee (DPAC), the statutory advisory body to the Delta Protection Commission (DPC). The DPAC is composed of 15 members representing diverse interests within the Delta, including agriculture, flood control, water resources, habitat and conservation, recreation, residents, water exports, state and federal agencies, and the public. Many of the policies, projects and ideas across the spectrum of interests affecting the Delta come before the DPAC for input and recommendation to the DPC for possible action.
Pruner also serves as the chair of the Board of Commissioners of the Clarksburg Fire Protection District, is a founder of North Delta C.A.R.E.S., a volunteer Delta advocacy organization, and serves in various other community leadership roles in the Delta, where he and his family have lived for over 20 years. Pruner is a fifth generation Californian, from a farming family background, is a Judge pro tem with the Sacramento Superior Court, and is an attorney in private practice emphasizing real property and business matters.