Tom Soto, who has over 20 years experience in California working for and leading environmental groups such as the Coalition for Clean Air and the Mono Lake Committee, shares his views on the profit potential of the clean tech industry.

Google’s Director of Corporate Environmental Programs Robyn Beavers discusses Google’s initiatives to transform its campus into a greener workplace and the future model of corporate environmentalism.

Clipper Windpower CEO James Dehlsen explains some of the financial and environmental incentives in the booming wind industry.

Former State Assemblymember Fran Pavley discusses the challenges of implementing AB 32 and the future of the green tech market.

Arup America Regional COO Andy Howard discusses holistic innovation and the worldwide appeal of sustainable planning and engineering.

Former CalEPA secretary and member of Governor Schwarzenegger's cabinet Terry Tamminen describes the important role that states can have in developing and enforcing the policies that could avert global crisis.

UK Vice Consul Mike Rosenfeld discusses helping green tech companies integrate their efforts on both sides of the pond.

Claire Bowin, head of the Los Angeles Department of City Planning’s green building program, discusses the role of local planning in climate change mitigation.

Shell USA President John Hofmeister announces his company's alliance with the United States Climate Action Partnership in hopes of having a voice in the crafting of this new national framework for energy.

Cities produce massive amounts of pollution and waste, but, as any environmentalist will attest, they also hold the key to efficient, stustainable living. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has pledged to incorporate an environmental ethnic into every possible facet of city life, and Los Angeles’ Deputy Mayor for Energy and the Environment, Nancy Sutley, is spearheading these efforts within the Villaraigosa administration.

A significant portion of California’s pollution emanates from power plants. Whereas the pollution caused by the habits of millions of drivers may be slow to improve, power plants and other utilities have already begun to face the scrutiny of the green policies of the Public Utilities Commission.

With the goal of generating 20 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2010, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has been investing in new technologies and forming partnerships across the West to bring green power to L.A.’s homes and businesses.

The Inland Empire Utilities Agency has adopted an aggressive agenda to conserve, recycle, and innovate on behalf of its customers on the western edge of the Inland Empire, which is one of the fastest growing regions in the Western United States.

AB 32, California’s landmark greenhouse gas law, was signed last November, but many years will pass before it takes effect and begins to contribute to a cleaner environment. VerdeXchange News was pleased to discuss AB 32's crucial early implementation efforts with Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Deputy Chief of Staff and Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer.VerdeXchange News was pleased to discuss AB 32's crucial early implementation efforts with Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Deputy Chief of Staff and Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer.

Befitting its status as the world’s seventh-largest economy, California joined many of its global peers when it adopted AB 32, which will compel California to reduce the carbon emissions that lead to global warming. VerdeXchange was pleased to discuss AB 32’s unique regulatory/market approach with Linda Adams, secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency.

Long Beach City Councilmember Bonnie Lowenthal has served on the front lines of the battles over goods movement and pollution. In this VerdeXchange News interview she discusses the state bond’s promise for easing the impact of pollution on her constituents in Long Beach and neighboring port communities.

Shipping industry giant Maersk Line, operator of the Port of L.A.’s largest terminal, has accepted a degree of responsibility for the pollution surrounding its ports of call and has implemented voluntary measures to clean its ships that call on California.

Just as cities in undeveloped countries face daunting urban and environmental challenges, so do they give rise to remarkable, unexpected solutions. Focusing on improved public transit and public spaces, Mayor Enrique Peñalosa transformed Bogotá, Columbia, into a more pleasant, safe, and sustainable city.